Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Lord's Prayer 571

Surfing with Jesus

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.




Rather cleverly done in two parts: The prayer (in black type) and GOD (in red type)in response. It is very, very good.
Our Father Who Art In Heaven.
Don't interrupt me. I'm praying.
But -- YOU called ME!
Called you?
No, I didn't call you.
I'm praying.
Our Father who art in Heaven.
There -- you did it again!
Did what?
Called ME.
You said,
"Our Father who art in Heaven"
Well, here I am.
What's on your mind?

But I didn't mean anything by it.
I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day.
I always say the Lord's Prayer.
It makes me feel good ,
kind of like fulfilling a duty.
Well, all right.
Go on.

Okay, Hallowed be thy name .
Hold it right there.
What do you mean by that?

By what?
By "Hallowed be thy name"?
It means, it means . . good grief,
I don't know what it means.
How in the world should I know?
It's just a part of the prayer.
By the way, what does it mean?
It means honored, holy, wonderful.
Hey, that makes sense.
I never thought about what 'hallowed' meant before.
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Do you really mean that?
Sure, why not?
What are you doing about it?
Doing? Why, nothing, I guess.
I just think it would be kind of neat if you got control,
of everything down here like you have up there.
We're kinda in a mess down here you know.
Yes, I know;
but, have I got control of you?
Well, I go to church.
That isn't what I asked you.
What about your bad temper?
You've really got a problem there, you know.
And then there's the way you spend your money --
all on yourself.
And what about the kind of books you read?

Now hold on just a minute!
Stop picking on me!
I'm just as good as some of the rest of those people at church!
Excuse ME.
I thought you were praying
for my will to be done.
If that is to happen,
it will have to start with the ones
who are praying for it.
Like you -- for example.

Oh, all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups.
Now that you mention it,
I could probably name some others.
So could I.
I haven't thought about it very much until now,
but I really would like to cut out some of those things.
I would like to, you know, be really free.
Now we're getting somewhere.We'll work together -- You and ME.
I'm proud of You.

Look, Lord, if you don't mind,
I need to finish up here.
This is taking a lot longer than it usually does.
Give us this day, our daily bread.
You need to cut out the bread.
You're overweight as it is.

Hey, wait a minute! What is this?
Here I was doing my religious duty,
and all of a sudden you break in
and remind me of all my hang-ups.
Praying is a dangerous thing.
You just might get what you ask for.
you called ME -- and here I am.
It's too late to stop now.
Keep praying. ( . . pause . . )
Well, go on.

I'm scared to.
Scared? Of what?
I know what you'll say.
Try ME.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
What about Ann?
See? I knew it! I knew you would bring her up!
Why, Lord, she's told lies about me, spread stories.
She never paid back the money she owes me.
I've sworn to get even with her!
But -- your prayer --
What about your prayer?

I didn't -- mean it.
Well, at least you're honest.
But, it's quite a load carrying around all that bitterness
and resentment isn't it?

Yes, but I'll feel better as soon as I get even with her.
Boy, have I got some plans for her.
She'll wish she had never been born.
No, you won't feel any better.
You'll feel worse.
Revenge isn't sweet.
You know how unhappy you are --
Well, I can change that.
You can? How?
Forgive Ann.
Then, I'll forgive you;

And the hate and the sin,
will be Ann's problem -- not yours.
You will have settled the problem
as far as you are concerned.

Oh, you know, you're right.
You always are.
And more than I want revenge,
I want to be right with You . . (sigh).
All right . all right . .
I forgive her.
There now!
How do you feel?

Hmmmm. Well, not bad.
Not bad at all!
In fact, I feel pretty great!
You know, I don't think I'll go to bed uptight tonight.
I haven't been getting much rest, you know.
Yeah, I know.
But, you're not through with your prayer are you? Go on.
Oh, all right.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Good! Good! I'll do that.
Just don't put yourself in a place
where you can be tempted.

What do you mean by that?
You know what I mean.
Yeah. I know.
Go ahead. Finish your prayer.

For Thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory forever.
Do you know what would bring me glory --
What would really make me happy?

No, but I'd like to know.
I want to please you now.
I've really made a mess of things.
I want to truly follow you.
I can see now how great that would be.
So, tell me . . .
How do I make you happy?
YOU just did.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

Send prayer request to: gene@SurfingwithJesus.com.

Web Site: http://SurfingwithJesus.Blogspot.com/

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Retirement! This Is the Day?

Surfing with Jesus

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.



Retirement! This Is the Day?

This too has past. I’ve had a nice time serving young people in the Polk County School system. On May 21st my job will be eliminated so this means the day everyone looks for is come to past? Retirement!

Retirement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Retirement is the point where a person stops employment completely.

[1] [2] A person may also semi-retire and keep some sort of retirement job, out of choice rather than necessity. This usually happens upon reaching a determined age, when physical conditions don't allow the person to work any more (by illness or accident), or even for personal choice (usually in the presence of an adequate pension or personal savings).

Well, I have reached a determined age. The rest is um somewhat questionable. God has blessed me to reach this point in life for which I am thankful. Another door has closed and another chapter is complete and now I await the new venture he has for me in the days ahead.

I am excited about the days ahead to see what surprise the Lord has for me this time. Little did I know in 1996 when my previous job was eliminated that I would get to work in a school system like I desired many years ago? These young people have been a challenge. They have been good for me and I believe I have been good for them.

No, I haven’t quit writing Surfing with Jesus nor have I given up my little country church. I wrote a song one time for a group of senior ministers that said? I’m not dead yet, I’m not dead yet, Glory Hallelujah I’m not dead yet? And that’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

A fellow staff member gave me a card with a “DaySpring” writing by Roy Lessin

“Our times are in His hands our early years, our middle years, and our later years. No time is better or greater than another, for all of our years work together in God’s marvelous plan for our lives.”

Thank you for allowing me in your home each week to share what’s on my heart. I look forward to following God’s Plan.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

Send prayer request to: gene@SurfingwithJesus.com.

Web Site: http://SurfingwithJesus.Blogspot.com/

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Buzzard #570

Surfing with Jesus

Pastor Gene A. Dasher Sr.




If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and
is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its
ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is
that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a
run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as is its habit,
it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner
for life in a small jail with no top.


The ordinary bat that flies around at night, a remarkable
nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level
place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it
can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully,
until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can
throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like
a flash.


A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there
until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the
means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find
some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will
seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys


In many ways, we are like the buzzard, the bat, and the
bumblebee. We struggle about with all our problems and
frustrations, never realizing that all we have to do is look
up! That's the answer, the escape route and the solution
to any problem! Just look up.

Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, but faith looks up!

Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly

and trust in our Creator who loves us.


1John 1:9 “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Send prayer request to: gene@SurfingwithJesus.com.
Web Site: http://SurfingwithJesus.Blogspot.com/

Won't It Be Wonderful Their 569

Surfing with Jesus

Pastor Gene A. Dasher Sr.



Won’t it Be Wonderful Their

It is so beautiful to see a person go to glory when they leave this old world. This past week a precious pastor’s wife, servant, and lover of family and souls left us as we sang songs of worship and praise. She simply went to sleep and to rest with Jesus.

We who remain are sad to see our friend, mother, grandmother, etc leave us but we are happy for her because she has completed her journey. We were singing “Won’t it is be wonderful there, having no burdens to bear, joyously singing with heart bells all ringing, oh won’t it be wonderful there.” One of the ministers said she has changed it now to it is wonderful here and I have no burdens to bear.

Oh! Praise the Lord. It is so wonderful to know Jesus and to celebrate together when we see one that has been faithful thru the thick and the thin the hard and the soft times in this life. When she lost her husband a few years back she could have just sit and watched others do the work but her pastor said no sir, she took on more work and did three times the work along with working full time and loving her family.

She was a servant and that is the example she left for us to learn from. It is wonderful to learn from servants that are faithful. It is even more important to put these examples to work in our life and extend her life thru our examples to others.

Just think, one of these days when we are true and faithful to the end of our time on earth we will be able to receive our crown for enduring to the end of the way. “Won’t it be wonderful there.” Yes it will.


1John 1:9 “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Send prayer request to: gene@SurfingwithJesus.com.
Web Site: http://SurfingwithJesus.Blogspot.com/