Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Planting Seed #471

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.


I believe planting seed is necessary for you to have a crop. If you want tomatoes they don’t grow with the seed in your hand. I’ve never seen so much preaching and ministering on TV encouraging you to plant a seed by sending money to a given ministry. I enjoy good sound teaching, singing, and preaching and I have no problem supporting other ministries but I believe it should start at home.

What are you saying? I’m saying you need to return your tithes unto the Lord at your home church and support these ministries with all your heart. You need to give offerings above your tithes to your local ministries. Once you have done this look to additional ministries to plant more seed. God will bless all giving as you give it unto the Lord equally well.

It’s amazing how one can get caught up with planting seed everywhere but fail to give to their local church. It’s exciting; it makes a big splash, and makes you feel good. It’s good to croak for your own pond where you are fed each week and allow God to direct you in giving.

I had a local minister from another organization visit my church while we were in revival and ask to testify. As a courtesy I was happy to allow him to share. What he shared was truth even though it was hard for some to receive. He said” if every person who proclaims they are a Christian gave their tenth, their tithes unto the Lord each week, no minister would have to work a secular job because there would be plenty in the store house to take care of their needs.”

I looked at my church and sure enough in studying this concept I could see how I could give full service without an additional job. Wow! The bible does have the answer. Yes, I do support both my local church and ministries outside my church. I receive a big blessing from other ministries and encourage you to plant those seed but please don’t forget that charity begins at home.

My desire with this writing is to encourage you to give and plant those seed. Allow God to give you a great harvest as you give $58, $70, $77, $1000, $2000,$2007, or more but don’t get caught up in a spirit that will lead you to overlook the needs at home. Several have said recently in their programs that you are not doing this for us, we don’t need your money, we are doing this for you so you can be debt free, get a raise, increase 100 fold etc.

As we join together to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. I pray you will take Isaiah 64:8 to heart “ But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.” Allow the potter to mold you and make you after His will. Wait upon the Lord and lean not on your understanding and he will direct your path in all you’re giving.

1John 1: 9 “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr., 2355 Parkway Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
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