Saturday, November 10, 2007

How Old Is Old #497

Surfing with Jesus #49711072007
Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.


When I was a lad I thought my dad became an old man when he turned 36. In our church the youth age was 35 and under. Then, I became 36 and I didn’t think my dad was old at all and wondered how one could judge this youthful age as old.

Today, I work with young people in their teens and they look at some of their parents and teachers as old. I look at these same adults and call them “young whipper snappers.”

I have asked my mother, mom, how old is old. She says I don’t know I don’t feel old and she is 85.

Now, the proof of the pudding, as my aches and pains grow stronger and as some of you ask for prayer for your bodies and I think maybe my body is getting old but I’m not convinced that we are old.

Several of you know what I mean and those that don’t will know in a day or two. But what does this all mean? Nothing I guess but I wanted to take a moment to encourage you that God will be with you at any age and he will lead and guide you at all times.

As we continue our journey, our minds can began to work on us and cause us to have fears about how we are going to live, how our health is going to hold up, how we are going to die and when we are going to die.

A hundred years ago we put less thought on these things because our life expectancy was less than 50. Today, more and more are living beyond 100 and blessing those younger with your golden nuggets you share each day.

Be encouraged today that God’s word is true and he told us not to take any thought about what we would eat or drink because he would provide our needs. So, “Don’t worry about tomorrow, just live from day to day, the Lord is right beside you and he will lead the way. Let’s have faith hope and charity that’s the way to live successfully. How do I know the Bible tells me so?”

Now, to my 80 and 90 year old friends and to my youthful teens and all those in between, get up and rejoice when you behold what the Lord has done for you. Now, take time to slow down and see what he is about to do in your life as you continue your journey in him.

Wow! It is exciting to know Jesus and to realize he is preparing a mansion for us in heaven. Those of you that are 100 must really have a big one because Jesus is still working out all the details on your new home. I don’t know the name of your street yet but I know its streets are paved with pure gold.

Have a glorious day in Jesus.

1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr., 2355 Parkway Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
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