Monday, November 23, 2009


Surfing with Jesus

Pastor Gene A Dasher, Sr


Web Site:


I love to read Thanksgiving e-mail’s, Facebook comments, and see the happy thoughts everyone gives this time of the year. Personally I think Jesus would be pleased for this to take place each day of our life.

For those of you who do not celebrate this day in your land join us in taking time to be thankful for all you are blessed with. God is so good to all of us. We will never be able to repay him for his love on Calvary.

In my part of the world today it is cloudy and rainy and some complain but I am just thankful God allowed me to rise and behold the splendor of the day. In the past few days we have gone from an abundance of rain, to sunshine with both warm days and cool days. Thank you Lord for all the seasons you provide.

God’s paint brush was beautiful again this year as the leaves fell from our trees and as I drove to church out in the country, the leaves on the ground with the pine needles mixed in was another beautiful sight to behold.

What we see each day, what we experience in life is open to the eyes of God. He alone blesses us and directs us as we seek his face. Those who refuse Salvation and the love of God must have emptiness in their heart as they celebrate during this season. Life is too short to live it without Christ in one’s heart.

Thanksgiving a day to be thankful to God who created us in the likeness of his image. One writer said bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within bless his holy name. One can have fun for a season in this world but with Christ one will have joy and peace and contentment forevermore.

Yes, Thanksgiving is on my mind during this season but God is on my mind in all seasons. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, enjoy your family or adopted family for the day and remember Jesus loves you.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

I HAVE BEEN LOOKIN--- 596111909

Surfing with Jesus

Pastor Gene A Dasher, Sr


Web Site:


Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been
operating in many of our churches.
They have been identified as: Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin
Complainin, and Bin Missin.
Their leader, Osama Bin Lucifer, trained these groups to destroy the
Body of Christ. The plan is to come into the church disguised as
Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and
However, there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by
the name Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter terrorism
force in the church.
Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with
whoever and whatever comes along.
Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the Body
We have noticed that the Bin Prayin cell group has different
characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin,
Bin Fastin, and Bin Longin for their Master, Jesus Christ to
Which cell group do you belong to?
And guess what, no church is exempt.
However, you can spot them if you "bin lookin." "Bin Prayin???

No, then you better get busy, cuz our country needs all the prayers you
can pack in a day, not just when you are in church.
I "bin lookin"
YOU Bin Prayin" ???

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Sorry guys, I just couldn’t resist this one---Gene


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

FAMILY 595111709

Surfing with Jesus

Pastor Gene A Dasher, Sr


Web Site:



I ran into a stranger as he passed by,

'Oh excuse me please' was my reply.

He said, 'Please excuse me too;

I wasn't watching for you.'

We were very polite, this stranger and I.

We went on our way and we said goodbye.

But at home a different story is told,

How we treat our loved ones, young and old..

Later that day, cooking the evening meal,

My son stood beside me very still.

When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.

'Move out of the way,' I said with a frown.

He walked away, his little heart broken.

I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

While I lay awake in bed,

God's still small voice came to me and said,

'While dealing with a stranger,
common courtesy you use,
but the family you love, you seem to abuse..

Go and look on the kitchen floor,

You'll find some flowers there by the door.

Those are the flowers he brought for you.

He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.

He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,

you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes.'

By this time, I felt very small,

And now my tears began to fall. ..

I quietly went and knelt by his bed;

'Wake up, little one, wake up,' I said.

'Are these the flowers you picked for me?'

He smiled, 'I found 'em, out by the tree.

I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.

I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue.'

I said, 'Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;

I shouldn't have yelled at you that way.'

He said, 'Oh, Mom, that's okay.

I love you anyway.'

I said, 'Son, I love you too,

and I do like the flowers, especially the blue.'


Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company

that we are working for could easily replace us in

a matter of days.

But the family we left behind will feel the loss

for the rest of their lives.

And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more

into work than into our own family,
an unwise investment indeed,

don't you think?

So what is behind the story?

Do you know what the word FAMILY means?


As your family meets this Thanksgiving show this love and thank God for blessings he has given you and your family.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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