Tuesday, November 16, 2010



Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

Web Site: http://SurfingwithJesus.Blogspot.com



It’s hard to be sad today but I am as my spiritual dad and mentor has gone home to glory. However, I do rejoice with my dear friend, confidant, and spiritual leader as he reached his goal and went to be with Jesus for evermore.

I know many of you have never heard of Bro. Murphy but I ask you to bear with me today. Those who knew him knew how he could make you laugh and cry as he fed you the word of God in a way you would never forget.

This man gave his all to his family, his church, his friends and many he did not even know. Wherever you found Bro. John you found life and looked forward to being with him. He was a great builder; his hands were involved in 27 different buildings or structures with the money often coming out of his pocket because he wanted to see a job finished.

It goes without saying a church and congregation were never the same after Bro Murphy placed his loving hands on it. He loved God and he loved people. One time I was visiting the State parsonage in Louisiana and I was in his small office and looked at his library. His library basically consisted of his bible, a dictionary, and church minutes. He would get alone with God and seek him until he found the food he was going to feed us from God’s word.

There was never a dull moment when Bro. John was around. If in a restaurant, in the hospital, in your home, building a building or at church he would be the life of the day. He laughed with me as he taught me the difference between a stud and a 2x4. He wanted to saw off the end of my hammer if I wasn’t going to use all of it. He listened to the birds on a hot summer day as he stood on top of a Jim Walter’s home and ask us if we knew what they said. Of course we said no and he proceeded to tell us they said what we were doing was “it’s a mess, it’s a mess.” We quit for the day.

This man knew how to get a hold of God and yielded to him as he proclaimed the word of God. I remember one time when he asked me to drive him to Memphis. He got in the pulpit and began to preach and quoted scripture after scripture. I declare it seemed like he was floating across that stage. People didn’t jump up and go in and out of the service. Everyone sat spell bound as the spirit of God flowed and filled the house as this servant of God yielded his all to the Lord.

I want to thank the six Murphy Children and all the grandkids for sharing Bro. John with us. There is not enough time or space to tell of all the blessings him and your mom (Sis. Alberta) bestowed upon us over the years. When you learn to cook like they did and bake pecan pies and cakes like Bro John not to mention his special recipe on cooking steaks I will be right over.

But until then, I will keep on singing and praising God for allowing this precious man of God to impact my heart and life. Lord, help me love people like Bro. John and help me share your word and proclaim your love with all my heart until you call me home.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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Send prayer request to: genedash@yahoo.com