Friday, December 25, 2020

Hope Amidst Turbulence and Tribulation



Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

Site: Http:// #116112152020

"Hope Amidst Turbulence and Tribulation"

Nick Price

This is my Sunday School Teacher at Union Grove. I am so proud of him and he gave me permission to share this poem he just wrote.

Good evening, blessed family and friends. I am inspired to compose a poem that there will be good coming out of all this affliction:

All through our lives, we often find

The grass is not always green, even on our side

But God is all- knowing, loving and kind

And especially- he shows up and shows out through affliction in our minds.


When we surrender all to God- He does not always promise easy roads

But what he DOES promise is a blessing- angels in the midst of the storm to guide our boats.

While the cross is heavy along with the burdens we bear

Let us all see now that no matter the weight- God will always care.


So through this time of unrest, and through uncertainty

There will always be reassurance, and the Almighty near thee.

And always to one another show each other love

For there is coming a day when all our work is done, and our everlasting wages will be up above.


Nick taught his first Sunday School Class last quarter and he has blessed us and amazed us with his preparation each week. Lift him up in prayer as he continues to grow in the Lord. It is a joy to share Nick with you


REMEMBER “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9. Join Surfing with Jesus mailing list: Send prayer request to:


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