Sunday, July 24, 2005



It is with great pleasure I write to you today and share the love of Jesus with you. As I arose today I looked out and saw the wonderful beauty God has given us on this earth. At this time of year in my part of the world, the trees are green, the grass needs to be mowed every two or three days, the birds are singing and it is very warm each day.

How long has it been since you stopped and thanked God for all this beauty? One may complain about it being too hot in the heat of the day but it sure beats the cold that comes our way in the winter. God is so good to us, we are blessed with the only true God that loves and cares for each of us with an unending love each moment of the day.

So, it is a good morning. Let us rise and be thankful for life, health,strength, and Salvation that comes only thru Jesus. You may mumble and complain and say what life, what health, and what strength? I challenge youto go to your local shopping area, find you a seat, do a little people-watching and it won't be long before you will see someone that has less health and strength than you do. If that doesn't wake you up to how blessed you are simply drop by your nearest hospital and visit and you will find many who would love to just have your aches and pains today.

What is life? Life is knowing Jesus to me. Life is having friends and family that we can share our heart with. Life is not always fair one may think when things don't go our way. We may find out we have a bad heart, cancer, some other bad health situation or we may lose our best friend or our job but even in the midst of these storms you see the beauty that comes only in knowing God.

One writer wrote, "Joy comes in the morning." So, you see, it is a good morning. I often think of David Ring when he is speaking and tells of people complaining and he looks at them and says, I have cerebral palsy, what's your problem. He gets so excited about life and how God has blessed him with 4 beautiful children. David's love for the day radiates as he tells his story and says and my kids are normal.

As you start your day, ask yourself "What is normal?" Lord help me today to be thankful for the normal in my life. Lord, may I be thankful that I have you. Lord, refresh my thoughts as I lift my voice in adoration and praise for what you have placed on my plate today knowing that I am able to do all things thru you and that you will be with me this morning as I rise and go my way. Thank you Lord, thank you for your tender mercies that are extended to me today.

Yes, it is a good morning and I know God will be with me in all my endeavors. Thank you Lord for planting your word in my heart and I'm excited about this morning because I know you will not leave me, you will not forsake me, and that you will be with me all day. Thank you Jesus, thank you for this day. This is the day that the Lord hath made, rejoice and be glad in it.

1 John 1:9. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive usour sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

We welcome prayer request anytime. Join us in prayer for these requests.

1 comment:

Gary said...

If you were born in Egypt, you'd be a believer in Islam. Correct?