Saturday, April 22, 2006


Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.
April 22, 2006 #419


God uses all kinds of people to do his work. He even chose you and me. What a treat to be chosen of God. Reflect with me on men and women God used.

JACOB was known as a liar but his task was to "father" the Israelite nation (Genesis 27).

JOSEPH was a slave. His task was to save his family (Genesis 39).

MOSES was a shepherd in exile and murderer. He was to lead Israel out of bondage to the promise land (Exodus 3).

GIDEON was a farmer. He was to deliver Israel from Midian (Judges 6:11).

JEPHTHAN was the son of a prostitute. His task was to lead Israel from the Ammonites (Judges 11:1).

HANNAH was a housewife. She was to be the mother of Samuel (I Samuel 1).

DAVID was a little shepherd boy the least in the family. He would commit adultery and see a man was placed in the right place to be killed. He was to become Israel's greatest King (I Samuel).

EZRA was a scribe. His task was to lead the return to Judah and to write part of the Bible (Ezra, Nehemiah).

ESTHER was a beautiful slave girl. She was to save her people from massacre (Esther).

MARY was just a small peasant girl. She was to be the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:27-38).

MATTHEW was a tax collector. He was to become an Apostle and Gospel writer (Matthew 9:9).

LUKE was a Greek physician. He would be a companion of Paul and a Gospel writer (C0lossians 4:14).

PETER was a proud fisherman. His task was to be an Apostle, a leader of the early church, and a writer of two New Testament epistles (Matthew 4:18-20).

We are called today from all walks of life, background, and discipline to serve God in specific ways. God promises us the tools and strength we need to complete our task. Don't spend time making excuses about your limitations. God knew you before he called you. Instead spend your time, your thoughts, and your energy doing what Jesus wants. Just remember that you should never forget to acknowledge God in all your ways and allow Him to direct your path.

I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

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