Monday, June 12, 2006


Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.
2355 Parkway Dr SE
Cleveland, TN 37323

By Roy Lessin

"See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for He allows us to be called His children, and we really are!..." I JOHN 3:1 NLT

The heart of a father is found in the heart of God. In order for a man to be the kind of father that his children need, a man must understand what kind of a father God is to his children. Here are four important areas to consider:

1. Leadership - Children need leadership. A father has been called by God to instruct his child, point his child to the path of life, and show his child how to walk upon it. A father is a child's spiritual leader. From a father's lips, a child needs to hear wise words and wise counsel; from a father's steps, a child needs to see the importance of wise choices and good decisions; from a father's love, a child needs to discover his purpose, his identity, and his true worth.

A Dad is respected because he gives his children leadership.

2. Care - Children are very needy people. Every child needs to be cared for and have his or her basic needs met. A father has been given the main responsibility of caring for and providing for his children. A man's work is a God given way for a father to care for his family. No work is small or insignificant in the eyes of God. A man's work is honorable and is a doorway through which a father helps to express his love and care for his children in practical ways.

A Dad is appreciated because he gives his children care.

3. Time - Every child has a need to spend time with his father. Being a father is about being together with your child to share life's joys and God's blessings. Every moment a father spends with his child is another opportunity for good to happen in a child's life. A father needs to value and guard his time with his children. Time is a precious gift that a father can give his children and it will have far greater value than any material gift he could ever buy for them.

A Dad is valued because he gives his children time.

4. Himself - Even greater than a father giving his child the gift of time is when a father gives his child the gift of himself. When a father gives the gift of himself, he is saying to his child, "I am not only spending this time with you, but you have my complete attention. My eyes are upon you, my watch-care is over you, my thoughts are with you, and my love is around you. When God spoke to Abram, God gave him this precious promise, " '...Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.' " GENESIS 15:1 KJV

A special thanks to Lisa for sharing this writing with us. Lisa has a wonderful dad, hi Jim.

A Dad is loved because he gives his children the one thing they treasure most-himself.

A special thanks to Lisa for sharing this writing with us. Lisa has a wonderful loving, God fearing dad. Hi Jim!

As I have shared with you before I was blessed with a wonderful dad. I thank God for allowing me to have him as leader who cared for us boys and gave us time as he shared himself and the love God has for us. I know you've been gone 21 years dad but your mentoring lives on within us.

Happy Father's Day to all our dads. Remember even if you did not have a good earthly father, your heavenly father loves you and extends his hand of care to you each day.

1st John 1:9 "If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

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