Friday, March 19, 2010



Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

Web Site:


Keep Your Church Doors Open

I believe in the United States that we need to keep our church doors open and ready to receive. There are many stories of 600 members and 150 attend, 10 members and 1 attend. I believe the day is near at hand that God will wrap everything up. I believe the day is near that people in our Nation will need a place to fall on their knees and pray. I want the doors at our local church to be open and receive these folks.

As a pastor I encourage you to “faint not in well doing.” More times than I want to tell I’ve said Lord if someone else can do better take this church off my heart. His response has been to lift me up and encourage me to continue to love those he has entrusted to me.

Ministers dream of a big church and big numbers and this is wonderful but God needs someone to love any church he leads you to regards of the size or growth at hand. I have been blessed to pastor churches that provided for my financial needs and church’s that are not able. All of these churches provided for my spiritual needs and were my family. All churches need a shepherd to nourish them and help them grow in the Lord.

I find there are people with needs wherever I am and I want to be able to prepare hearts and lives to make it to heaven. Who knows the person you pastor may be your pastor someday. They need you now to mold them with the word of God and teach them love, integrity, and yielding to the Spirit of God as directed.

My State Bishop once said he has no problem finding ministers but he has trouble having enough “large church’s” to send them. One Bishop said he had several people come up to him and tell him God told them to go to a particular church. He said the only problem was God had not shared that with him.

Pastor, minister, member keep those doors open, clean up the house of God so when God fills it you will be ready and waiting for them to join with you and worship God together.

My mother attends a church that is much larger than where I pastor and they were just falling apart. We prayed for them and they continued to seek God and all of a sudden the house was full again. She said I don’t know where they all came from but they jumped in started doing things and said they had been looking for a church like this.

I’m hanging in there, God is in control. We American’s have forgotten how much we are blessed by God and just how much we need him. Remember I said it here on Surfing with Jesus. Our day will come shortly that we will want him and find ourselves back in the house of God searching and seeking for his will not ours.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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