Wednesday, December 01, 2010



Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

Web Site:


Reasons People Avoid Church

Over the past 12 years of my Christian life, I have come to know many Christians, been to a lot of churches, I have to say, I have heard many different stories along the way, and I felt led to write a devotion, on reasons people have told me they stopped going to church or avoid it. This devotion will give you moments of laughter, and then you will feel sad. Because ultimately, we see Jesus waiting for us. And we are disappointing Him; we are neglecting Him, His Word, and His body of Christ.

How sad this must make Him after all He has done for us.

Reasons People Avoid Church.

1. I have been hurt.

I guess we all could say this. You know what, when I was a kid, learning to ride a bike, I fell, and cut my knee open very badly, and to this day, I still have a scar. But I got up, dusted myself off, and kept working at that bike riding until I did it without falling. I didn't throw the bike away, or quit trying. Why would we avoid God, because of the flaws of other people? It is like telling God, listen if people hurt me, I am not coming to your church anymore, so you better make sure this doesn't happen. Does that make sense?

2. The preacher preaches too long. I get bored, I can't stand to sit that long.

3. The preacher doesn't preach long enough. I feel like I am not getting enough when I go there.

4. The choir only sings hymns. They need to update.

5. The choir only sings praise songs. They need to sing hymns.

6. People dress too fancy.

7. People don't dress well enough.

8. There are too many hypocrites.

I firmly believe inside of all of us, there is a hypocritical side. We say one thing and do another. Even Paul asked himself, why I do the things I shouldn't and not do the things I know I should. This then, is hypocrisy. Quit looking at what others do wrong. You let people down too. Why would you let that keep you from God? It only proves how very much we need Him. Pray for the hypocrites... and pray for yourself, for noticing their flaws, rather than loving them anyway

9. I don't like the version of the Bible they use, it's too new, I like the King James, and it's the only good one.

10. I don't like the old version of the Bible, why don't they use one of the newer ones and make it more relevant.

11. Someone I don't like goes there.

I don't want to have to sit near them. It makes me uncomfortable. Remember who Jesus used to sit with? He said those who are well need not a physician, but those who are sick. He came to minister to the very people you are shunning. What does this say about us? We need to be open to whom God wants us to love and speak to. It's not about how they look or what they do, it's about what He wants us to do and say.

12. The church is too big, I feel lost there, like no one knows me.

13. The church is too small, everyone knows my business.

14. The pastor is too educated, he talks above my head.

15. The pastor needs more education, I know more than He does.

16. I can learn the Bible at home; I don't need anyone to tell me about God.

Yet over and over in the scripture, Hebrews 10:25 being one example, we are asked not to avoid churches, or being together with other Christians. It makes us much more powerful when we can all work together as a body for the kingdom of God. Each person with their own gifts, all working together for one purpose... how blessed this is to God's eyes, to see us work together in love and unity. Besides that, most people that don't go to church hardly ever open their Bible. As time passes, they get more and more undisciplined about reading God's word.

17. The church has too many rules, it is hard for me to feel comfortable around there, and I always feel like I am failing.

18. The church doesn't have enough rules, why don't they teach people more discipline.

19. I am not living right, I can't go there, and God won't love me.

He said to come as you are, not as I want you to be. Just start, and let Him, love you and lead you and help you change. God is gentle; He will help you work through things one by one. He knows our frame that we are made of dust, flawed, and sinful, that is why He sent Jesus. Just come, and let God do the rest.

20. I am better than people here. I don't see others living lives as I do. It disappoints me to come and see people not trying harder.

The one common thread with all of these is: Pride! People are prideful, they think they know it all, and that they can tell God how to run his churches, tell their pastors how to run His church, and tell others how to live the way they think is right.

But you see; it is like this. WE go to church to:
1. Learn about God.
2. Stay in the word, be taught it, and grow in it.
3. Find strength together as a community.
4. Be able to agree in prayer, which is so powerful.
5. Have a outreach to the community, as a unit we can reach so many more people.
6. Church keeps us accountable; we know we have to be disciplined, to be there on time, to stay in the word, and to seek to live righteous lives.
7. Church keeps us in the word, on fire, prayed up, believing together, and accomplishing God's will.

We are all equal in God's eyes. We should never be jealous of each other, stay angry with each other, never stop forgiving others, and never avoid the assembling of ourselves together. We need each other!

Avoiding church eventually makes us undisciplined Christians. People start making their own spin on God's word. They start justifying their sins, by leaving out the parts of scripture they don't agree with. Soon their thinking becomes chaotic, and doesn't line up with scripture at all. And most of all, they do not put God in his rightful place… a God to be worshipped and praised, and honored.

If you are avoiding church, you are avoiding something that is absolutely vital. When you reach eternity, no excuse will be good enough to tell the Lord, listen I didn't go to church because. No excuse will be good enough to tell Him, I couldn't live for your Son because someone hurt me.

Folks, we all get hurt. Get over it and move on. Don't use it as a crutch or excuse. It then becomes bondage to your spirit. And the person you think hurts you, is off having a great time while you are home licking your "wounds".

Oh Precious Friends don't let anything come between you and the Master.

Only one life, will soon be past,
Only what is done, for Christ will last.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. (2 Corinthians 13:14)

Love & Prayers,

Michael J. Knight.

What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.

This is so powerful I just had to share it with you today. Bro. Knight has it right and we can learn from it. Too many Christians are being lulled to sleep and missing out on the fellowship God wants us to have in Him and with the Body of Christ.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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