Tuesday, May 17, 2011



Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

Web Site: http://SurfingwithJesus.Blogspot.com



April 27th 2011, a day and night to remember; hundreds of tornados hit across my part of the world destroying thousands of homes and taking hundreds of lives. This day started out like any other day but ended tragically for many a soul.

Now that the storm is passed neighbor is helping neighbor to try and restore their lives. I’ve always been proud of Cleveland Tennessee and Bradley County but true love is being demonstrated like never before. It’s amazing to hear testimonies of those hurt the most as they are thankful for God and all everyone is doing.

My family and I were blessed with little damage and we are grateful, just a few inches and my daughter would have lost her home, just a block and we would have lost our home, and my son missed by just a little bit. It really makes you think when you can look down the street and see damage and go a mile in any direction and see homes destroyed.

One of my Veteran friends took me to where his house stood and walked me through with nothing but the foundation left, it’s hard to take and we just took time with each other and prayed. All one can do is show love in times like these and it has freely flowed in all our community.

Yes the storm has passed over but there is much to do to help one another in the days and months ahead, many homes will just have to be bulldozed and families will start anew.

Sometimes I wonder what it takes to get our attention, this event certainly did. We lost nine lives but oh how close it was to losing so many others. We are thankful God is near when we call upon him. One testimony a man had his family go to their shelter; he stood outside and asked God to move it and it did sparing their lives even though they lost their home. He was thankful God spared their lives.

Tragedy continues to happen throughout our world, it just makes me want to make sure I am ready and look for Christ return. Folks He is coming, morning or noon or night I know not but rest assured He is coming soon.

It’s been almost three weeks now, we have power back, and we have our cable but still no phones. I’m thankful for friends that put us up a few days and friends who took our freezer goods and saved them for us. Thank you Lord, thanks for all you have done and are doing for us and our community.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

Join Surfing with Jesus mailing list: genedash@yahoo.com.

Send prayer request to: genedash@yahoo.com

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