Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.
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God in all his marvelous beauty has taken time to bless me in so many ways, I simply say, where do I begin?
This week has been filled with the love of God. He has provided all my needs and many of the desires of my heart. I just want to take a moment and say thank you Lord, thank you for all you have done to make life so complete.
As we continue to read the Bible thru together this week I have felt such a bond with God and my wife as we read and listen to God in our daily scriptures. Some are boring such when we read and this one begat and that one begat but then we come across a golden nugget that speaks to us and draws us closer to the Lord.
Our hearts have been uplifted when we hear of answered prayers and heavy when we see request of those in distress or sickness in their life or home. We’ve prayed for our children their children, you and your children and know God is there to see you through.
Tonight we took time to join the Rominger family and friends and have a hot dog and chili as they played games, laughed and had a good time together. Since all my wife’s family are saved now they have such a good time together and it’s wonderful to see the joy of the Lord in their faces.
This week we have been blessed to visit with those that are sick and in need of healing. Although their pain is not completely relieved it’s good to come together and give a little love and receive a little love. You see, we all have our little world that we battle with but it’s wonderful to know we have family and friends to share the load with us as we trust God for all our needs.
Folks if you don’t know Jesus you have a hard time getting anything out of this. If you know the Lord you can sense and feel the presence of the Lord as the Holy Spirit touches our heart and gives us the words to share.
My heart cries out to each of you that need the Lord tonight, lift up your eyes to Jesus, confess your sins, ask for forgiveness and receive him. There is such joy when you know that if you were to die tonight you have no question in your mind about where you will spend eternity. Start your day with Jesus, end your day with Jesus and allow him to feed your soul.
And now you can join me in lifting up your eyes and singing praises to God who reigns on high. Give thanks unto our creator; give thanks to Jesus who gave his life that you may be free right now. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct you as you walk each step of the way.
The table is set, Jesus is coming, be ready to meet him and enjoy everything he has prepared for you.
“If we confess our sins he is
faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9
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