Friday, July 12, 2013

SEEK THE LORD #82507112013

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.


The Tennessee State Convention is history now but I hope the food we received will continue throughout the year. Bishop E C McKinley and his staff paid the price on their knees and God rewarded all of us with power packed inspiration.

Our theme was “Break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord.” Lord help us as we put into practice this theme in our hearts, our lives, and our churches. It is hard to describe what all God did in our presence. As the ole saying goes you would just have to have been there to fully appreciate how God blessed each session. 

Worship was power packed, singing was awesome, preaching made you dig a little deeper, and the Holy Ghost showed off as he took control and did away with the program. Thank you one and all who allowed God to change your thoughts, your songs, your very being as the Holy Ghost moved upon you in each session. 

Lord, help me, help us, to break up this fallow ground, help us as we seek you for guidance and direction in our churches this year. Lord, we want to be soul winners, we want to see people crying unto you for Salvation, we want to see people slain in the spirit, we want to see people added to the church daily not just in the world but in our back yard.

What more can I say, we need God, I’m so tired of barren altars and empty pews, we use to be known  as a God fearing nation and now we rely on man and not God and look at what shape it puts us in. 

As my wife and I continue to read thru the bible together I’m reminded time and time again how God blessed nations and people who fear him and put him first in their life, it was exciting times when they went from victory to victory.

I’m also reminded of what God does when man goes his own way and forsakes their creator. Judgment comes on those nations and they don’t survive for long. I long to see the day we are a God fearing nation and reap the benefits of knowing God is on our side.

I want to cry out SEEK THE LORD, lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Fellow Christian, will you join me in breaking up the fallow ground around us? I need it, you need it, the church needs it, our nation needs it and the world needs it. God bless you as you seek GOD.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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