Friday, July 26, 2013

FIELDS OF THE WOOD (Day Trip) #82607262013

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.


A few days ago I told my wife I wanted to get up and go to Fields of the Wood. We got up one a beautiful Tuesday morning grabbed a few things along with Little Bit and Lady Di (our dogs) and took off for the mountains. It was such a beautiful drive with blue skies and white clouds enjoying God’s creation as we looked at the trees and the water along the way. 

Since we only live 50 miles away we were there in an hour and proceeded up the mountain to see the All Nations Cross and Flags. We drove around and came back to the top of Ten Commandment Mountain. We got out and turned the dogs loose as we looked at the view and then sat down for a spell. Since we normally keep Lady Di on a lease she went wild and had a ball with Little Bit.

Edwina and I took out her kindles and we read our scriptures for the day and prayed for all our prayer needs. What a wonderful feeling to touch God while on the mountain top. I then proceeded to walk down Ten Commandment Mountain and back up. Yes, I was slow but I did it all the way. On the way back up two ladies stopped me and said sir you know you can drive to the top and I smiled and said I know I parked up there. 

Next we went to the bookstore and of course I saw a shirt I had to have, my wife went in while I kept the dogs and bought it for me. It says “I climbed 10 Commandment Mountain and survived.” What a treat for me, four months ago I had trouble walking to me car but not today. 

Next, Edwina and the dog’s grove to the top of Prayer Mountain and waited for me. Of course, I’m enjoying being able to walk and yes I slowed climbed to the top stopping along the way at the Witness Tree and some of the stones.  What a privilege to stand at the top looking out over the view and even remember that in 1957 I had my first view of the marvelous place. 

I now proceeded the walk back down and yes, they were waiting for me at the bottom. My knees were now wobbly and they greeted me and we got in the car and headed back home for the day.

What a beautiful day trip and time with my wife and dogs. God is so good to me. I thank you Lord for being able to do this climb again. What a peace and joyful time we had this day and we fellowship together with our Lord.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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