Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.
Where Is He Now?
We know he arose so where is He? Jesus is now
beginning his last days before us on this earth. He has defeated death and now
sets out to teach the disciples and remind them of what he was sent to do and
what he leaves for them to do. He has just a few days so he must work quickly
before he ascends into heaven.
I wonder if we went about our business as
Jesus did with urgency if we would complete more and see more souls instructed
in the ways of the Lord. He gave us a tremendous task to reach the whole world
with the gospel and point them to Calvary. He even said we would do greater
works than he did. That doesn’t seem possible but he said it and I believe it.
Lord as we continue our journey I pray you
will direct us to ever be mindful that you are coming again soon. Lord, we want
to see more souls receive you and excited about your return.
This week I was at the hospital visiting a
family in their sixties that have recently accepted the Lord in their life. It
was so thrilling to see the excitement as they talked about the Lord. He wanted
to be baptized as soon as he’s out of the hospital. He said he wanted
everything complete when he goes to see Jesus.
This same couple would not even talk to you
about the Lord just a few weeks ago. When conviction grips your heart and you
repent and accept the Lord and are baptized, there is such a change that takes
hold of you. I love to listen to a new convert share their love for Jesus.
I’ve always said if we could just maintain
the excitement we all had when we first got started on our journey with Jesus
we would reach the world so much quicker. So, yes, we rejoice as do the angels
because another soul has been snatched out of Satan’s hand.
Makes me want to sing the ole chorus:
Get all excited go tell everybody that Jesus
Christ is king
I said get all excited go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is king
Get all excited go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is king
Jesus Christ is still the king of kings
I said get all excited go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is king
Get all excited go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is king
Jesus Christ is still the king of kings
So, as we think about where he is this week
let us think about where we are and what we plan to do to share him with others.
He is coming soon. Don’t be lulled to sleep and be left with no oil in your
“If we confess our sins he is
faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9
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