Gene A. Dasher, Sr.
Site: Http:// #117203162021
What children do need: Part 2 Cindy Ketron
As a pediatric therapist for more than 30
years, I have come up with a list of what I believe kids need and don’t need. I
What children do need:
I. Rest. They play hard. Their bodies need
rest to grow and develop.
2. Uninterrupted family time. The most
important people to a child are those under the same roof. Make family time
purposeful and protected.
3. Outdoor play time where they can explore
and create. All kids need free time to imagine.
4. Rules and expectations. Be clear. Be
concise. And don’t be afraid to give them.
5. Consistent discipline. If a rule is
broken, a child needs to know what to expect. All fear is not a bad thing.
There is a fear that can represent respect.
6. Parents who love them and love each other.
Security begins here.
7. For you as a parent to say “no” sometimes.
Your child does not need a lollipop or a new shirt every time you go to
8. Hugs. Physical touch affects the
development of children.
9. The ability to share their feelings about
anything as long as they are respectful.
10. The most precious gift that a parent can
give any child is to demonstrate a personal relationship with God and
consistently teach that child through your actions what having faith in God
really means. In the toughest times of their lives, they will learn in large
part to rely on God by the example you display for them.
Thanks for sharing this Gerri. Good food for
thought Help us to teach them Lord.
“If we confess our sins he is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John
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