Saturday, August 05, 2006


Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.
2355 Parkway Dr SE
Cleveland, TN 37323

By Billy Smith (My good friend)

For our devotion today, rather than going to the Bible, let us look inside our golf bag.

God uses numbers in his word for reasons
The study of numbers in the Bible is called dematria

For today let us begin with our number one club
It is called the driver
Everyone pull out your driver our number one club
Number one in the Bible means unity
The only one
There is no other
It means first place
So when we pull out the number one club, it will always remind us that God is number one in our lives.

Also when we think of the driver (number one) we think of power
It is suppose to get us at least 2/3 of the journey of each hole
It is the most powerful club in our bag
Therefore when we think of the driver we think of how powerful that
God is He is Omnipotent, all powerful
Some times we forget the power of our father when we are going through those difficult times in our lives.
We need God to get us past the Kudzu in our lives, and back into the fairway (straight and narrow)

Also… the driver (no.1) sets the tone of how the hole you are playing starts out
If you don’t hit it straight and long, then we will have to pay the consequences
That’s how it is with God, if we are not straight with him and trust that he will lead us and guide through all obstacles, then we have consequences of life.

Also…. Last but not least
The driver has the biggest head of all the clubs
And there is a reason
So that the sweet spot can be distributed equally on the face of the club
So that no matter where we strike the ball, it is a good shot
Therefore we call this a forgiving club
Ain’t that just God
Always forgiving even when we miss
Hit’em straight--- Billy Smith

1John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
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