Surfing with Jesus
Pastor Gene A. Dasher Sr.
There Is But One God
I Corinthians 8:5-6
“For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things and we by him.”
What’s the beef? God is God and He always will be God. Man can conjure up anything he wants and call it god but man is like the grass in the field he will vanish away.
Are you tired of hearing leave God out of school, out of the pledge of allegiance, out of the oath of office for our leaders? Well, I am too! Guess what? You can leave it out of everything you want to but you can’t take it out of my heart and you can’t stop one from proclaiming He is our God and He will reign supreme.
Religions may come and go but God is and He rewards those that diligently seek him. I proclaim there is no left or right with God there is but the straight and narrow way that leads to life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Man may seek to destroy us and all we believe and practice from the word of God but in the end the battle is not ours said little David. It’s thine Lord and I’m in your favor. I’ve given it all to you for I know not what to do. Lord, I’m so glad you are really all I need, Lord, help me today to leave it in your care and go on about the work you have given me to do. I am on the winning team for the end of the book says we win with you. The score may be 100 to 0 but I have no fear for the victory is ours. Praise the Lord.
I thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, I thank you Lord. Oh let the joy flow from deep within my soul, let my praises be acceptable to your ears today as I lift my voice in adoration glorying thy name. Oh, Hallelujah! I want to proclaim Him today. As I write its just like I can hear it coming from my precious mother when she gets excited in a service and lifts up your name and proclaims, Oh, Hallelujah! You know when she is being blessed and I know I am blessed today because your presence is so real. Let the glories roll from within you right now and praise His name.
I’ll close for now because I feel I need to rejoice in the heavenly language for a spell and receive from our Lord that I have need of for today.
If you have missed knowing me, you have missed nothing. If you have missed some of my emails, you have missed a laugh or an uplifting word.
But, if you have missed knowing my LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, you have missed everything in the world.
1John 1:9 “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
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