Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Let Everything That Hath Breath Praise the Lord #581

Surfing with Jesus

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.


Let Everything That Hath Breath Praise the Lord

I have been quite busy the past few days while attending a National Veterans Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. My heart was heavy as I began my trip because a precious Veteran died and the mother of another Veteran passed away also. However it makes you appreciate each breath we are given by God our Creator.

The precious mother that died left a testimony that I must share. She was 90 and in a home but before she died she asked her roommate if she were a Christian. She answered yes. She then asked if she was going to heaven and she answered yes. Then she said will you come hold my hand while I go to heaven and as she did this precious mother of my friend D. L. went to heaven.

What a way to go. We all dream of it, we all teach about and shout about it but we are still living and breathing because God is not finished with us. As I share this morning it is so wonderful to have the peace of God in my heart and be able to praise my Lord and Savior and behold the beauty of all creation he has entrusted us with to enjoy.

I look out my window and see the wishing well my mother bought me several years ago and watch a sparrow as he is perched on top beholding the handiwork of God. And now, he flies to the ground and enjoys the water on the green grass and looks for the food God provides for a small creation as he promised to do.

Did you know God will provide for you today? Lift your head and open your heart with adoration and praise and trust the Lord as this little bird just did and as this precious mother did as she left this old world for glory. Our God is an awesome God and He lives and provides for us each day as we trust and obey Him. Take time to breathe in all God has for you and rejoice as he opens the windows of heaven and blesses you with an extra cup of honey today.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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