Monday, July 25, 2011



Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

Web Site:



Satan is on the loose, he has free reign on this earth but if you know the Lord and walk in the light he gives you the devil will not prevail against you. I have never heard of so many tricks he uses to destroy lives and families as he does today. I’m saddened every time I see him lead one to stray.

Folks, this world is not our home. Our home is in heaven. I want to do everything I can to fight this sly old fox and beat him and see Jesus face to face when he calls me home.

I cry out unto you to pray, yes, pray and pray that you might endure and receive the crown of life Jesus has prepared for you. Yes, prayer is still the key that unlocks the doors. Satan is a liar. He will do whatever he can to destroy your soul. I tell you again heaven is our home. Let us go forward on our knees and seeks God’s face. Let us stand against the whiles of the devil. Lord cover us today and let us be bold in you I pray.

I hear, I see, and I read of so much trouble on every hand but I know that God holds our hand and will not leave us alone. A friend just died with brain tumors, people are without work, storms destroy homes, cancers of all kinds, families being destroyed. All this and more breaks my heart and I cry out Lord help them, provide for them, and make a way.

I see these things and say to myself that could be me and it makes me want to pray even more that God will help me stand when I am faced with things that Satan would use to destroy me. Yes, I cry Lord Lift me up, let me stand, plant my feet on higher ground.

This is why I often remind fellow Christians to lift our leaders up before the Lord, they need us and we need them as we walk the road God has placed before us. This is when I find myself not only praying but going to God’s word and reading words of encouragement. I often find myself in Psalms because I see the complete struggle of man and see how singing before the Lord gives strength to continue on.

No this world is not my home. I cry out as the Psalmist does in Chapter 121:1-2 “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth” Will you take a moment and cry out with me for help today. Look around you, there are so many hurting and your prayer may be the key to help them lift up their eyes unto God and remember this world is not their home. Folks let’s make it to heaven.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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Friday, July 22, 2011

"Sweet By and By" #69807222011


Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

Web Site:


I know the pictures will not come thru for you on this post by my friend Pastor Cecil A. Thompson but you will be blessed to go to the given site below and watch this video with this writing. I have been receiving Bro Cecil’s post for years and find many uplifting thoughts.

Pastor Cecil A. Thompson
July 15, 2011

Matthew 6:27

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

To access Sweet By and By, this week's inspirational video from, please go to: in your browser or click on the image below.

True Christian character is certainly seen in our biblical heroes, but it may often be seen in those of more recent times. Hope is a character quality that looks beyond our immediate circumstances and shows what we as believers have waiting for us.

One of the most enduring songs written after the Civil War was by Sanford Bennett entitled, "In the Sweet By and By." Bennett was the owner of a drugstore in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, who had just returned from the war. A friend, Joseph Webster, a gifted musician trained formally in composition, came to Bennett's store each day to talk and play chess. Often Webster would come in depressed and down.

When asked what was wrong, Webster would often reply, "It's no matter. It will be alright by and by." That idea hit Bennett like a flash of sunlight! It was at that moment that he demonstrated hope to a friend who needed it at that moment.

As Bennett later described the incident, he took out a pen and it was all over in thirty minutes. A new hymn was born. In short order he was singing the words along with Webster and two other friends.

Bennett continued to manage his drugstore while Webster went on pursuing a composer's career, writing over a thousand musical compositions and compiling the very popular Sunday school hymnal "The Signet Ring." However he would not have the same success as with "The Sweet By and By." That hymn was perfect for the post-Civil War era because it conveyed pathos with a mixture of comforting warmth. It came to typify the virtues of spiritual hope.

"Sweet By and By"

There's a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way,
To prepare us a dwelling place there.

Chorus: In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

We shall sing on that beautiful shore,
The melodious songs of the blest;
And our spirits shall sorrow no more,
Not a sigh for the blessing of rest.

Chorus: In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

To our bountiful Father above,
We will offer our tribute of praise,
For the glorious gift of His love,
And the blessings that hallow our days.

Chorus: In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

- - - Pastor Cecil

P.S. - Please feel free to forward this E-Votional on to your family and friends. They'll appreciate the encouragement.

P.P.S. - You can find previous E-Votionals covering a variety of Scriptures and topics to help you in your walk with the Lord at


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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Monday, July 11, 2011


Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

Web Site:



Just another day I say but oh what a day it is. Just think I was able to rise with health and strength. I was able to have another slice of my lemon birthday pie. I was able to think about church and what I would like to share with my precious sheep today.

Yes, it is just another day but I thank you Lord for you are near and dear to my heart as I prepare to worship you today. Lord you are so good to me, I could never repay you but I do want you to know how much I thank you for all you do for me.

As I look and behold this day I’m looking at some of your promises you give for guidance like:

Psalm 50:5 “And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.”

Psalm 56:9 “When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.”

Psalm 62:8 “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah”

Psalm 5:8” Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies: make thy way straight before my face.”

Psalm 27:11: Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.”


Wow! Just another day! Thank you Lord you are my God and I praise you today.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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Friday, July 01, 2011

LET FREEDOM #69607012011


Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

Web Site:



In the United States of American it is July 4th weekend. This is a time we celebrate our liberty and our freedom. Independence Day honors the birthday of the United States of America and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It's a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts and fireworks, and a reason to fly the American flag.

In spite of our many differences we come together and proudly proclaim to the world this weekend to “Let Freedom Reign.” Over the past 235 years many men and women have given their lives so we can have this special time to celebrate our Nation. I am so thankful for those who have served and those who serve today to make this a reality.

I know in far too many circles God is being left out in our conversations and our lives but as long as I have breath I will proclaim “My God, How Great Thou Art.”

The majority of Americans still cling to the hope we have in God. We cling to his promises from the Bible that is a continual light on our path.

I am saddened that our leaders are yielding to the minority in our Nation that want God left out of everything. I even read today that some Chaplains in our military are not being allowed to have the freedom to pray as their hearts dictate and prayers must be written and approved leaving out words like God and Jesus.

Well folks I take my stand on this, I don’t write prayers, I pray as the spirit of God leads me. I will not yield to not using God in my prayers and I will continue to pray in the name of Jesus. It is God who has made us, if we are ashamed of our Creator and our Savior we are in trouble. Even his chosen the children of Israel were forsaken when they turned their backs on God Jehovah.

Now is not a good time to put God on the side line, we need him on the front line if we hope to endure as a people and as a Nation. We are blessed as a Nation and I desire God’s blessings to continue. This will only happen as we remember him.

Well, that’s my thoughts for the day; I pray you “Keep on the Firing Line” for God and continue to stand and “Let Freedom Reign.”


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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