Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Gary Dean Bell
Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

                                           The sun's going down on Sand Mountain,
                                           And the darkness falls swift on the scene;
                                           A full moon begins rising on Lookout,
                                           Casting light on a picture serene.

                                           In our town nestled down in the valley
                                           Are the headlights of folks coming home;
                                           Some with cars filled with gifts and with goodies,
                                           Some with family and friends who have roamed.

                                           In the square the chimes are heard clearly
                                           Of the Methodist Church down the street;
                                           Playing carols we all love so dearly,
                                           Making the spirit of Christmas complete.

                                           The lights of the churches burn brightly,
                                           Calling the faithful to come and to pray;
                                           As the pastors once more tell the story
                                           Of the birth of our Savior that day.

                                           On the streets comes the smell of home cooking,
                                           Hot biscuits and blackberry jam;
                                           Pumpkin pies in some houses are baking,
                                           Somewhere else we can smell country ham.

                                           Many go visit their neighbors
                                           With cookies and candy they made;
                                           Wishing each other good tidings
                                           As hugs and kisses they trade.

                                           The children are all so excited,
                                           It's so hard to send them to sleep;
                                           In the bedroom Mom's wrapping her presents
                                           In an effort her secrets to keep.

                                          The spirit of joy is contagious
                                          As we forget our problems awhile;                                      
                                          Let's celebrate this season of gladness
                                          Giving all who we meet a warm smile.

                                          Darkness has settled on Trenton
                                          But over Sand Mountain above,
                                          A bright star is gloriously shining,
                                          Our assurance of God's grace and love.

                                          I'm new in this little community
                                          But I want everyone far and near;
                                          To receive my love at this Christmas,
                                          And with hopes of a blessed New Year!

Gary Bell is a personal Vietnam Veteran friend who lives in Trenton, GA. This is shared with his permission to be a blessing to you this Christmas season.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

Join Surfing with Jesus mailing list: genedash@yahoo.com.Send prayer request to: genedash@yahoo.com

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