Friday, July 20, 2012

HE IS A GREAT GOD #720072012

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.


As I search the thoughts of my heart today I keep clinging to the song “How Great Thou Art.” What a thrill it is to raise my voice and proclaim the greatness of God. I look and behold all the wonders around me and it is easy to proclaim “How Great Thou Art.”

This week my precious church received a need that God worked out. We have been in need of a new roof and really knew no way to come up with the necessary funds. What does God do? He provides.

First someone said maybe we had hail damage from the tornados the last two years. We had our insurance people check it and they agreed but our roof was so old they depreciated it over 30%.

After Christmas I felt impressed to start working on a fund and BAM God blessed it and touched hearts of two families that use to attend here to start sending help and the congregation went an extra mile with their giving. Just like my God isn’t it. This week we had enough funds to cover the total cost with the help of the contractor giving us a big hand in his price.

Not much to anyone else but we are happy and elated what God just did and now we are working on additional funds for other repairs we feel is needed.

Thank you Lord, what a burden you relieved off of us. I wonder as I close do you need him right now. Jesus stands with his hands outstretched awaiting your call. Receive of him and be blessed today.

Join me in singing “How Great Thou Art.”

O Lord my God,
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all
The works Thy Hand hath made,
I see the stars,
I hear the mighty thunder,
Thy pow'r throughout
The universe displayed;

When through the woods
And forest glades I wander
I hear the birds
Sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down
From lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
And feel the gentle breeze;

Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!

When Christ shall come,
With shouts of acclamation,
And take me home,
What joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow
In humble adoration
And there proclaim,
"My God, how great Thou art!"
“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9
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