Sunday, August 19, 2012

DAD AND PTAYER #76608182012

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.


While pondering on writing this week my thoughts turned to a time in my childhood. I was about 8 and everyone was in bed and I was praying. My heart’s desire was to be in the will of God. As I prayed I felt the need to have someone pray with me. I got up went to my dad and got him up and he prayed with me. 

This was just an innocent time in life but over the years I have often thought on how blessed I was to have a dad who would take time to pray. Folks you are blessed if you have someone that will pray with you when you have a need. I’ve often thought of how tired dad must have been the next day as he went to work. He never screamed go to sleep or we will talk about it later he just got up and put my mind to ease and off to bed we went.

Prayer is the key that will unlock any door. Why we don’t take time to do more of it I don’t know. Our heavenly father awaits our call twenty four hours a day if we will but take the time to do it.

If your child, your neighbor, your friend ask you to pray, take time to pray with them. I get request that seem silly to some at times but doesn’t matter what the request is take time and pray for God’s will in the given situation.

Yesterday I was blessed with a visit from some of my “Sullivan cousins.” It was wonderful to talk about old times and things we remember but as we talked we shared our family’s needs and I find myself praying tonight to meet the many health needs we shared. We know God is our healer and we continually call upon his name and trust him for our health.

I started the day yesterday loading some chairs and pews that our sister church Durkee Rd donated to us. As their pastor and I shared a few minutes it was uplifting to have a fellow brother you could talk with a few minutes. All of us need someone to pray and share with. It is wonderful to experience peace in our heart and know we are striving for the same goal of reaching heaven.

Life has its ups and downs but if you know how to touch the throne of grace you need never fret or frown because in prayer he is ever present and promises not to leave nor forsake us. 

When dad was near death and I would see him for my last time, he called me over and said son don’t pray for me to live. He said I know you and the family will but I want you to pray God’s will. If he lifts me up I will praise him, if my time is done I’m tired and I want to go with him. This was a hard thing for me to do but my dad had prayed for me as I ask so I was compelled to honor his wish. He lived a few more days and God took him home.

Folks it’s important to pray God’s will, Jesus reached this place where he would cry out thy will and he suffered the cross in God’s will. It doesn’t matter what you are facing, take time to pray and as you pray release it in God’s hands for his will to be done. Yes, take time right now and do it and receive peace in God.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9
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