Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We Ask For Rain and Then We Complain #58909282009

Surfing with Jesus

Pastor Gene A Dasher, Sr


We Ask For Rain and Then We Complain

Some of us have received more rain than we can handle while others are begging for rain. Why does one receive rain and another not? The best answer is I don’t know. God alone determines when and where it will rain.

I listened to a local minister on the radio on the way to church and he went into great detail on people asking God why? Why did I lose my job, why did she die so young, why, why, why? He was speaking on Job who we would think had a good reason to ask why. However the Bible tells us Job was a good man, a righteous man and a man of great means. Then one day he lost all his family and all his wealth except his wife. He had done nothing wrong, he had trusted God and yet it was gone.

We go thru times that we don’t understand in our life. We tend to cry out why things come our way. God knows and we may or may not find out before we go to heaven. However, rest assured if we will cling to His promises we will understand it some day. We who believe look forward to Jesus coming and then there will be no more suffering, no more pain, and no more sorrow. The why’s will be no more and we will rest in His arms for evermore.

I’ve watched several good friends lose their wife to cancer in recent years. One said to me this summer that he is sad over losing his wife. He said sometimes it’s like he should feel guilty about the peace that is in his heart but he knows it comes from God and for this he is thankful.

Another friend lost two sons in recent years. These young men were at the prime of life and he hurts, he has pain, but he feels the strength that only comes from knowing God. This is God at work my friend.

Do you have too much rain, too little water; too much of life that you cannot bear? I encourage you to turn to Jesus and allow him to direct your path. Does that mean all your troubles will go away? Bad things happen in life to all of us. Don’t listen to those who say you have sin in your life if you are living a righteous life. Cling to the word of God and allow him to love you whether there is too much or too little rain.

Jesus is coming soon to gather his own unto him. “Soon and very soon we are going to see the King.” “Are you ready? Are you ready? To meet him in the air.” Wow! What a wonderful day that will be. I look forward to seeing you when he comes to gather us home.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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