Saturday, June 18, 2011

YES, IT IS FATHER'S DAY 2011 #69306192011


Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.

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Are you blessed to have a living Father? Do you love him? Have you taken time to tell him? If you are so blessed take this day to thank him and share your love for him. I was blessed with a God fearing loving father. I am so thankful he took time to teach me about Jesus. My goal is to teach my children to love and care for our heavenly father and share his love with others.

Today when I pray I say good morning Lord, good morning dad, good morning mom. This is my first Father’s Day with them being together with Jesus. I have missed dad for 26 years and now mom has joined him.

What is a Father? What is a Dad? Men can become fathers but it takes a lot of love and care to become a dad. It’s so sad when I hear someone share they had a father but never had a dad.

Men, God would have you be more than a father to your children. He would have you be a dad that leads them and guides them in their life to know what is right and wrong and to know God created them to love him.

As a dad I have made mistakes but my goal and my desire is to always do what is best for my children. I wasn’t born a perfect dad and even though I try to be a good one I am subject to failure. Sometimes as a dad we even have to ask forgiveness and our children need to see this side of us.

How long has it been since you told your dad you love him? I was in my thirties before I really learned this I think. I’m so thankful I can say both of my children have told me this week that they love me. I tried to teach them this lesson because I saw how much it meant to my dad when I learned to do it.

If it is possible take time today to tell your dad you love him. I know men this doesn’t seem manly but it is important and you will never regret it. If you are like me I will have to look around to tell someone happy Father’s Day this year. My dad is gone and several of my spiritual dads have gone to heaven but I know there is someone I can wish a Happy Father’s Day to. Will you join me in being so kind to someone today? It is important to them and you will be surprised at the response you get. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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