Saturday, March 02, 2013


Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.


In Matthew 12:34  (KJV) the Bible reads

34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Today, I placed this post on Facebook. “It's sad that in a "Christian Nation" so many of you will sit at home sleep or go your way Sunday morning. We at Union Grove COGOP continue to keep the doors open and the fires burning because someday soon Jesus is going to return. It won’t be long until you will want a church and we are ready to receive you and worship the King. Why not lay up treasures in heaven with us today and worship with us. Build your rewards for the day he returns.”

Sunday School 10 AM

Morning Worship 11AM

This is my heart and I speak it with love and a desire to find all Christians assembling themselves together in the house of God to worship HIM.

Folks, we talk about it, we sing about it, we look for it but down deep in our heart are we doing what he commanded us to do before he returns. You can make all the excuses you want and stand empty handed before the Lord like the virgins with no oil in their lamps. Our commission is to reach out to a lost and dying world with his love.
Sitting at home will not cut it. Well, I’ll never go there as long as Sister so and so is there. Well, I don’t like the pastor. Uh! I don’t like the way they sing. Or, I got hurt and I was done wrong. 

What is wrong with you? It breaks my heart to see all the people I love forsake the house of God with such petty excuses. I say to you, Jesus is coming, and I ask where you are on Sunday Morning or any time the doors are open at the house of God. 

Yes, I am speaking from my heart, I love you, God loves you, you need us and we need you. It is a blessing to fellowship in God’s house and receive of the Lord.

I’m going to share a story that took place sometime in 1967 at Cat Lai Viet Nam. I was not going to chapel because of my lack of faith in the Chaplain assigned to our unit. I would go down to my shack in the motor pool down by the river and read my Bible and pray. 

One morning I was so hungry for the word and fellowship I went to chapel service anyway. As I walked in the same man that I had lost confidence in because of the life he lived before us stood and began to read the word of God. As he read tears came to my eyes as my heart was touched by God’s word. I was convicted of my failing to come to service and ask God to forgive me. Did the Chaplain change? No, I changed as the word of God penetrated my heart. 

I never missed another service. You see it wasn’t the man it was God that I needed and gladly received.

So where are you Christian? How are you going to share Jesus if you are not setting an example to those who trust you? Souls are dying, men are crying for the want of someone to bring them to the Lord. 

I look forward to seeing you Sunday morning. 

“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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