Friday, January 03, 2014

Christmas Time Is Coming #83812222013

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.


Twas the Sunday before Christmas when all thru the house not a creature was stirring but the day is about to begin. Its Sunday School time, Worship time, and get up get ready time.

Outside, it is dark, raining, not a pleasant looking day but it’s time to go celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ and give praise for his coming to die for our sins and make eternal life available to all who will come unto him.

At our church we will have Sunday School and then we will have family worship together. The tree will be lit and all of our gifts for Christ will be under the tree. You see many years ago we started bringing gifts for Christ and it’s amazing what he receives each year.

Since Christ is not present to open his gifts we normally have our children open them. Some bring cash to help the church, some bring church supplies, and some volunteer to clean the church. It’s doesn’t matter, we just love to watch the glow on the children’s face and one calls out “mom it’s toilet paper.”

I have found many times enough supplies are given to help for months. What a blessing to the church as wel remember it is Christ birthday and He is our King.

Today, my wife and daughter will take charge after I read the Christmas story in Luke Chapter 2:1-20. We will sing, and give each family time around the tree to share life’s story this year. Sometimes we have deaths, sometimes new births, sometimes testimonies of healing, sometimes a new job etc.

This year my testimony is I have my first great granddaughter Lexi Grace. I also want to thank God for blessing me to lose 107 lbs since April. Most of all I want to thank my Lord for blessing me to know him as my Savior.

So, what are you doing today? Please take time for Jesus today and every day for he is the reason living and breathing each day of your life. Celebrate with him and if you don’t know him receive him.

The bible says even the angels in heaven rejoice when one returns to the Lord. It’s quite simple, confess your sins, ask forgiveness, and receive him into your heart. This would be the best gift you could place under the tree.

“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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