Sunday, December 07, 2014

This Is The Day #87812072014

Pastor Gene A. Dasher, Sr.
Web Site:    #87812072014

This Is The Day

Hum? Yes, do you know that Pearl Harbor was attacked to throw us into WW2 on this day? It’s sad to say that many of our people today don’t remember what happened on this day in 1941.

Kind of reminds me of the Lord’s Day, many today don’t remember to get out of bed and go to church and thank God for what he has done for us. We are a blessed nation and God has favored us. Let us take time to remember what he brought us through and give glory to his name.

I had a lot of family in the military in this war, my mom had three brothers serve and four spouses of her sisters with my dad do  service during this time, all but one made it thru this time of war. All served proudly and signed that blank check to ensure we can arise and go to the house of God today.

When I’m around town and see a WW2 hat on a Veteran I love to say thank you and listen to their stories. If you really want to learn about this time in our history take time and allow them to bless you. Many are leaving us so you need to hurry to learn firsthand information.

One local story I always love is on the hill around 8th and 10th Street off Benton Pike as you come into Cleveland, Tennessee. It got the nickname of Holy Hill. I’m told you could go into that area anytime and hear mothers crying out to God for the safety of our men and women. What a testimony to a generation that knew how to reach the throne of Grace.

Lord help me, help us this day remember how blessed I am and we are as individuals and as a Nation. I think I’m going to get out of here make it to Sunday School and church on time this morning. Hope you will join me.

Lord, thank you for this day, thank you for your son Jesus, I celebrate his birth and thank you for sending him and thank you Jesus for dying for me that I might have Salvation, looking forward to your return, it will be a great day.


“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

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